Spider veins, or telangiectasias, affect as many as 80 percent of all women as they age, and a large percentage of men, too. Causes are typically genetic but may also include pregnancy, childbirth, use of birth-control pills, estrogen-replacement, previous injury and use of corticosteroids.
What are Spider Veins?
Leg “spider veins” appear as wavy, thin, reddish-purple lines. They often cluster on thighs or below knees. Although spider veins don’t usually present a medical problem, they’re no fun when it comes to wearing a bathing suit or pair of shorts.
How to Treat Spider Veins
Sclerotherapy treatment, a well-proven procedure used since the 1930s, involves an injection of sotradecol with a very fine needle directly into the spider vein. The solution irritates the vessel’s lining so it to swells and sticks together, causing the blood to clot. Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue and fades from view. Spider veins typically respond to sclerotherapy within three to six weeks.
The number of veins injected during one session varies, depending on the vein’s size and location, and the patient’s overall medical condition. Repeated treatments are typical, and patients experience 75 to 80 percent improvement upon completion of all treatments.
During this process, treatment areas often look worse before they look better. Mild bruising is common, and some swelling may also occur, particularly if a large number of vessels around the feet and ankles are treated. Tiny vessels (telangiectatic matting) or blush areas may also appear at the perimeter of the treated area and persist for several weeks. In rare cases, they become permanent. Brown streaks may appear, but this pigment usually goes away and can darken with sunlight. Therefore, patients should stay out of the sun while undergoing treatment. Infrequently, small ulcers occur, but scarring is extremely rare.